Inspired by the two lovely ladies, tarlen of vitarlenology and mei suling of omaanna, i gathered up my leftover wallpapers and turned them into... NOTEBOOKS!
Yes, this ever-functional-and-loved-by-all goods has finally gotten me stretching my fingers onto its ritual.
For my first attempt, I've got my eyes on the decorative Japanese stab-binding techniques (Noble, Hempleaf and Tortoise). You can see how each technique constructs itself beautifully against the wallpaper covers.
While there, I also added an attached bookmark of the same pattern. They will come in handy when you need to find things fast.
noble-binding |
hempleaf-binding |
tortoise-binding |
ordering will go by the numbers on this pic (1-4: Tortoise, 5-10: Noble, 11-14: Hempleaf) |
Now, i'm always liking the look of upcycled journals... so to spice things up a bit, i decided to use four, yes four, different types of lined paper.
Think of them as an extra 'oomph' to the books, or as Steven Tyler said "the goop that great stuff is made from". haha!
I have to admit I'm growing particularly fond of these blue lines.
Let me know what you think.
four types of lined paper |
Pages: 40 sheets
Size: approx. A6 (16cm x 10.5cm)