Wednesday, May 18, 2011

my first craft fair

Ever since i was informed as one of the participants at Tobucil's Crafty Days in Bandung, i couldn't be more excited.

So many thoughts went into my head as to what the event could possibly be like. I love visiting craft fairs, but to be there and selling my work is obviously a different take on the whole thing.

In the preparation, designing the booth was the most exciting yet thoughts-consuming stage for me. I love decorating and i probably took it a bit way too seriously as i made frequent shopping trips to find the right props. Reading those pretty decor blogs are partly to blame too...

I chose to keep the props' colors minimal while choosing only light-weight materials and non-breakable items (very important!). Wooden plate trays, white wire baskets, an easily-assembled wooden container, and a red-checkered vinyl table cloth were picked as they fulfill all the criteria.

Here's the look: 

my booth

I printed pictures of every product in 4R size and put them up with those price-display clips to best show their use. This helped me a lot in explaining what the crowds can do with my stuff.

Now, what's a craft show without a bunting??
However, to make mine different from the usual triangle-shaped bunting, i came up with this idea of using laminated paper doilies.

my bunting

I was so pleased with the result! Although its kinda embarrassing to admit how much time i had spent adjusting them in the correct position using the wooden clothes pins ;p

During the fair, I finally got to meet some of the friendly faces i've been following, such as mei, ika, ojan & putri, and of course tarlen herself, while also made new friends with audelia agustine (who asked me to craft-swap with her. Brilliant idea!), asriagung & putri (love their work!), grace and sheila d.

Joining Tobucil's crafty days was definitely a good hands-on learning experience, especially for a newbie like me. I look forward to participate in more of them! :)

For pics of Tobucil's Crafty Days #5, click here.


  1. Wah selamat y mbak Angel
    sebenarnya pengen jg ke Crafty Days
    oh ya, Paperpleased jd my Monthly Spotlight lho
    mohon iji pasang banner Paperpleased di sidebar-ku :)

  2. hi mba, moga2 tahun depan ya... wahh terimakasih lho! senang sekali :)

  3. halo Mba Angelia, waktu di crafty days kita ketemu (mudah2an msh inget.. hehe), aku sama kaka iparku jadi lho beli passport holder-nya yang bunga pink, cantik banget...
    sayang waktu balik lagi ga ketemu langsung sama mba Angelia.

  4. aku ingatt... wkt itu cm mba, pengunjung yg blg ada blog juga :D moga2 ktemu lg di bazaar brikutnya ya

  5. kapan craft days ke semarang?
    sekali-kalilah ke sini . .
